

Wednesday, October 21


Haih. Midnight. And Im suppose to be rushing for assignments. SUPPOSE..
Duh.. Just so not in mood.

Dunno y. I hate this mood swing thinggy. BTW, does mood swing actually exist?
It's just so disgusting to feel good one second - felt bad next sec - felt ok another sec - felt extremely terrible for a few seconds that actually feel like few hours =.= - felt ok again - felt super hyper and as if the world is at your side then - And, the swing comes all over again.

Is it a personality thing?
Is it stress?
Is it.......I dunno what it is.
Stupid thoughts jumped in and out. I hate tonight. Hate hate hate hate hate.

It's Wed tomorrow and I have the worst class ever in my entire life. which I really mean it - WORST.
EL 101 aka Elements for Law.
The what-the-"tut" part is it's not even a subject, it's only an intro part for my next sem's elective >> the BUSINESS LAW.
Sigh.. Human Resource got what to do wif LAW wor? Pls don't make me a bad student by sending me into a class which I will not listen 80%  of what the lecturer said. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

My mood is getting no where.
I hate THOSE THINGS that had triggered it.
I hate getting no where. I want more positive impulses for my life. I need it. DESPERATELY.

1 a.m. and I don't feel like sleeping. Can I wake up late tmr?
Can I be late to class without having those eyes and faces that keep telling me: OMG~ She's late AGAIN!

Anyway, good nite all human beings.

Good nite baby Doo and baby No.
Mummy loves you both.
You both are the only n best THING that will never make me feel upset.